4 rules of management: Tips for newbie
Think about shoppers first: A mistake done by many managers is they focus rather more on their profit instead of their consumers. And when it is done, the scenario becomes worst. You should usually first of all think from your consumer's standpoint. When we do this, frequently we get answers to some questions that can not be answered by a manager in full life. You'll find a phrase like 'we serve our shoppers better ' or something like this noted on the site of any gigantic brand or service supplier.
Have an opinion: Regardless of how new you are , or how old your Board Directors are. You should always have your own opinion. After all , you are a human. And difference of opinions is a home to fresh ideas and discoveries. Inventions, which can drive your business to the peak of success.
Collusion is a must: Well, it is a game in which you have to be smarter. It also needs some team leading skills, because it's an art of achieving what you want from others. And it's a thing that you can get if you give it to others. If you'll co-operate with others, then they can also cooperate with you. And results of such collaboration can skyrocket your firm's business.
Network: By the way, all associations have their unique method of getting the job finished. But if you see from the eye of an observer, then you will find some cultural buttons extraordinarily fast. These buttons will show in detail how to work in which environment for getting work done. The way to make a well-structured network across the departments for working in a pain free manner. And please note here, I have asserted network, not those office politics.
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